Guess what? When Mr. Lim said, "Ohh... the more creative you are in asking for a break, the longer time i will give to you", we really took it seriously. Yes, we. Us. *Whatever* Sangheetha, Mariani, Maria, Eunice, and I. We created sort of "cheerleader" scene, so we hold letters that spelled like a B, an R, an E, an A, and a K, and planned to lift it up right after the 46th minutes after the class started. We took a picture, well... pictures actually, before we did the actual thing. And... BOO! Mr. Lim walked into the class when we were taking pictures! CRAP! "NOW he knows what we're doing!" But I guess he really pretended not to know anythingm and just let us do our action. It was nice anyway :) We'll take it as an appreciation of our hard work!
During the 45th minutes, the lesson was really tough that we really had to catch up with what Mr. Lim's saying while highlighting our textbook. So we decided to postpone our "cheerleader's yell" until 12.30 PM. But.... the problem was that there were not much unity in lifting those thing up, so we got it a bit "quiet"... Well, take that as the first learning experience, and we'll do CRAZIER things later in class :)
Anyway, here's the pictures!!!

Hmm... I guess we were too afraid of getting sued by Mr. Lim because of the disturbance in his class, so we posed for these look-like-prisoner style. Hahaha... Do we look like one? If we do, then call us the "break prisoners".
Nope. I'm just joking. Please call us by our names when you meet us.
hehehe, love the pictures!! :)))
Hey, keep the signs cause your the official annoucers from now onwards!! haha
Haha.. we'll come up with different things l8r on, but no worries, we still keep those signs anyway :)
hahah, damn funny larrrr.....
ok, this wednesday we got to improve it.
Heh, I found it funnier that you called Kevin "Mr Lim". I'm just kidding :)
Haha.. what am i supposed to call him then?? Mr. Kevin sounds ever weird.. Lolz... :D
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