I am a gamer! I admit it. I play different kind of games in PS2 and computer and online games. For me, game is a form of relaxation even though sometimes i found myself get stress about it. But the way I feel might not the same as some other people. Others might use it as the way they express about what they feel inside, especially for those introvert people, or people who just simply afraid of showing their true-self in front of others. Even worse, there are game-addicts, I called them "fragile people", who want to make their life as what they are playing in the game! Here's my personal story...
My younger brother, aged 12 now, used to play GTA on PS2, which is certainly rated for people 18 and above. For your information (for you who completely don't know what's the game about), it contains a lot of violence, harsh words, and a bit of sexual content. The character that you're playing should rob and shoot people on the street, take their vehicles, hit people using your car, and don't ever get caught by the police. After a while since my lil' bro played this game, i found him start talking nonsense when there were people jaywalking, and cars overtaking while i was driving my car. He would say things like, "Oohh, just hit 'em!!", or "Shit! These people really don't know how it feels to be killed by our car!" I was so shocked that he said such things, cos he used to be a very polite and sweet-type of boy. Then i found this game in our play room, and that's how I started to play GTA. For me, it was just a game, but for him, the whole game was fuly penetrated to his mind, and change the way he thinks. Well, I guess I was a bit selfish, that I finished the game myself, and after that I told my mom that my brother played harsh game on PS2, so my mom took and threw it. At least I DID save my lil' bro from getting more bad impact from the game.
It's not only games, few TV shows also give a bad impact for its consumer, especially children and those "fragile people" that I have mentioned before.
We all know "The Simpsons" show, how it views a kinda WEIRD family life, how's Bart being naughty and rebellious to Homer, how Homer treats his children, etc.

Russel : ... We walked to his (Ryan's) house after school one day, his mom goes, "Ryan go clean your room!"
Ryan : F**K YOU BI**H!!
Ryan's mom : What am I gonna do with him?
Russel : I go, "Ryan, you can't talk to your mom like that!"
Ryan : Yes I can. She's a jacka**!
Russel : Don't say that, man! She will hit you!
Ryan : No, she won't. She's not allowed to.
Russel : What the hell are you talking about, man? My parents hit me...
Ryan : Yeah. But next time they try it, you tell them to f**k off!
To shorten it, Russel went home and tried it to his dad...
Russel's dad : Russel, come and do the dishes!
Russel : F**k you, dad!!
Russel's dad : What the hell did you say to me? Do I look like Ryan's mom?!
Well, this scene is ridiculous, but can you imagine what will happen if kids and teenagers watch the show without any parental guide? They might do the same thing as what they have been told in the show!
So, is there anything we can do to solve these problems? We all need media! Do we have to "isolate" ourselves from it? Cos' i don't think media ratings really work. The fact is that my 12 years old brother got an easy access to buy a rated-18+ game. Parental guide is also not applicable at any time. How many parents out there really have time to spend with their kids, watching TV shows and playing games??
Have you come out with any solution? Do share with me.... :)
p.s. this is the Russel Peter's video that i was talking about. Have fun watching, and don't try it at home ;p
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