Yuhuuuuwww...........!!!!!!! Hi everyone =)
First of all, please don't tell me that this blog should be written like a formal essay, because i seriously couldn't do it!!! Well, i could, actually, but i believe it will take forever just to write a five-short-sentences posting. Hahahahaaa....
What can i say about myself?
I'm CHEILLA (FYI, It's pronounced as "Shilla"). I really think that's my real name, because people have been calling me with that name since... i can't remember! My dad gave me a quite complicated name when i was born, and it sounds like GRACEILLA YVONNE ANDRIES, if I'm not mistaken. I use it just for for formal documentations, like identity card, licenses, passport, and of course the class register. The most ridiculous about my complicated name is that both of my parents can't even spell my name correctly until NOW! My dad assumes that it's spelled GRACIELLA, and my mom always think that it's GRACHEILLA. For me? I'm.... whatever they want to call me. =)
I'm certainly not a Singaporean (and I'm really sure about that!). I originally from Indonesia, a supposedly-rich-and-beautiful country, but in fact it's ruined by the greedy people inside the government system. Sometimes i feel so bad about this painful truth. Indonesia has a lot of natural resources, like gold, copper, tin, timber, oil, and many other things, but we can't even pay our debts to other countries! There are also millions of poor people in the country. Where does all the money go?! That's a question that should be answered by the government.
Anyway, if it seemed like I have interest in politics in the previous paragraph, it is absolutely not right. I hate politics! Hahaha.... My basic interest is just like most girls on earth: SHOPPING! \(^o^)/
Nope. I'm kidding.
I love music A LOT. I really mean it. My mom dragged me for a piano lesson when i was 5, and i screamed like crazy when it happened. Now, I thank her for doing that in the past, and for keep supporting me during those hard times understanding music scales. I also play several music instruments beside piano, such as bass guitar, drums, and violin. I'd love to go for a harp lesson SOON!
Other than that, I also have so much interest in entertainment business. I have plenty of activities regarding that matter back in my hometown, Batam. I used to be a presenter in a local TV station, and now I'm still doing my job as a radio DJ in a radio station called GFan FM. I'm glad that Batam is only a one-hour-long trip from Singapore, so I can still do my work every weekend.
A friend of mine set up an event organizer company named NO BOUNDARY, and I work for him as the PR. So far we have held few concerts and various charity programs. I really enjoy my work, and again, I am happy that i can always return to Batam whenever I have things to work on, because Batam is very near to Singapore =)
I think that's what I'm going to say about myself. I know it's a bit long (much, actually =p ....), but thank you for reading.
See you on the next post (^-^)/"
p.s. I'd love to share stories with all of you. Send me stories and comments, okay???