Hi, I'm Cheilla Forcella. I was born in Second Life (SL) on March 27, 2007. So, currently I'm 1-week-old. I was named after my creator's name, Cheilla. She thought "Forcella" would be a nice surname for me, because it sounded quite similar with the first name when you say it.
My creator actually tried to make me look exactly like her. Unfortunately, all the things that make us alike were not free. And I don't think that she was willing to spend her "real money" just to dressed me up. So, here I am, with all free stuffs on my body.
I might say that I was born premature. My "grand-creator", Kevin SuiSei, wanted me and my friends to be born in this week time, but I was created one week earlier. However, I guess that was an advantage for me! I am now independent in the world that Linden Research, Inc. has created. I own more free things than my newborn friends, and I have travel to so more beautiful places as compared to them as the newbies.
And now, I shall bring you to the most gorgeous place I've ever visited in SL world.
*sound effect* BEEP... BEEP... *teleporting to destination*
"Check mic.."
"Good morning. I'm Cheilla Forcella reporting from Star Trek Museum of Science. The time now is 7.23 AM according to SL time. This museum is located in the Star Trek space shuttle as you can see the shining stars and planets on my left. There's no significant activities currently, but I predict that the place will be more crowded later in the afternoon. So, let's explore this place before it's full of visitors."
*transporting object*......*loading*.......*transport succeed!*
"I am located in the Star Trek Collection Cinema. For Star Trek fans, this place will be an awesome movie treat. There are 10 Star Trek movies displayed, from the first shown to the last one. Just click on the "Now Showing" movie poster, and you can watch the movie that you selected. But remember, you have to get the Quicktime media player to view the movie."
*HEY! I am having my movie treat now! Can you switch to other channel while I'm having my treat?!*
"Hi. Welcome back here at Star Trek Museum of Science, with me Cheilla Forcella. If you've been wondering how it is like to be out in cyberspace, you can feel it here in the Institute. Since I always wanted to be an astronaut, so I should try it for myself, too."
"Before I end the show, let me show you one last spot in the museum . I called it 'Ponder wall'. There's a question on the wall that makes you ponder about "How has Star Trek changed your life". Do you really want to know? Type in the word "Museum" in the search panel, and you'll find Star Trek Museum of Science on the lists."
"That's the end of the show. Thank's for reading. Good morning."
p.s. For inquiries, add Cheilla Forcella as your SL friend :)
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